Episode 242: Creating a consistent walking practice, reducing alcohol and building a body she loves with Warrior Leah Rife

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

Show notes

This year, I ran two training challenges inside of WS. We just wrapped up our second one in November – Warrior Queen 2.0 Play to Win. This challenge was all about how well you play the game. The Warriors chose a level to play at. Each level had certain tasks they had to complete. They accumulated certain points for each task, and then had the option of collecting bonus points.
In today’s EP, I have Warrior Leah Rife on the podcast. Leah talks about her experience during Warrior Queen 2.0 Play to Win. She shares the challenges she faced during the challenge and how she overcame them. She talks about her wins over the 10-weeks and what she’s excited about for 2024.

What you’ll discover

  • What playing to win means to Leah (and how that has that changed for her over the last two years)
  • How she felt about the WQ challenge when it was firstĀ presented
  • How Leah overcomes fear and resistance
  • What level she played at during the challenge and why
  • What was involved with her level
  • Her challenges with tracking her food and how we modified her approach
  • Other challenges she faced over the 10-weeks and how she overcame them
  • Her results over the 10-weeks
  • Leah’s biggest learning or win during the ten weeks
  • What she is excited aboutĀ for 2024

Featured on the show

Leah Rife
Wedding Photographer

Her work ‘gram’

Conquer your first pull-up course

About Warrior School

Apply for Warrior School

Related podcast episodes

Episode 214: Playing to win

Episode 174: Squatting and deadlifting 200lbs and have fun in her training with Leah Rife

Episode 152: The journey of a Warrior with Leah Rife

Episode 127: How consistency gave her more confidence in her life with Leah Rife

Create the body you love,
and get the life you want

Warrior school is the ultimate one-to-one strength training program for women who want to get strong at 40 and beyond