Create the body you love,
and get the life you want

Warrior school is the ultimate one-to-one strength training program for women who want to get strong at 40 and beyond

Welcome to the new game of women’s health and fitness. We’re re-writing the rules to optimise metabolic function, build a strong body, and create a new life of power, ease and grace.



Redefining a new era in women’s health and fitness.

Together with a ton of experts, we explore training, nutrition, hormones, female physiology and mindset to help you build a strong foundation and prepare your body (and mind) for this second stage of your life.

Episode 230: Is Warrior School Right For You?
Episode 229: Is training hard bad for females hormones & health
Episode 227: The best sprint intervals for metabolic health & fat loss
Episode 220: Is it all downhill after 40?
Episode 205: How can I support myself in times of stress?

tools to help you find power & vitality in your training and life


mini Course

Conquer your first strict


There’s no denying it – the pull-up is a powerful, badass exercise we all want to have in our back pocket.

Which is why I created this beginner course to help you conquer your first strict pull-up through educational videos, a clear plan and a proven program.

Warrior School

Coaching Program

The ultimate twelve month program to completely redefine how you train, and how you see exercise and life.
Work with me one-on-one for a year.

Meet the Warriors who are creating bodies they love and lives they want

Success Stories



Before joining Warrior School, I was in a place where I could tolerate very little movement or training without being exhausted; even short walks or basic workouts felt draining.

I had been on so many different (also difficult and usually restrictive) paths to feeling better that I was exhausted and close to thinking nothing would ever work.

Not to be dramatic, but Warrior School has absolutely transformed my life. Warrior School brought my body back to life. My body, once fatigued and constrained, experienced a remarkable revival. Pelvic stability returned, allowing me to relish long walks.

Chronic pains vanished, replaced by newfound strength. Muscle growth, sound sleep, halting and ultimately reversing rapid weight gain from thyroid disease—I experienced it all.

More than physical changes, Warrior School brought back the joy in movement, instilling a sense of pride in my body’s resilience. It wasn’t just a restoration; it was a gift of self—empowering me to navigate life on my terms.

Among Warrior School’s many virtues, Amy’s integrity stands out. Her approach combines expertise, compassion, and personalised guidance. She crafts programs that truly work, reflecting her genuine concern for individual progress.

I strongly recommend applying to Warrior School immediately! Also, don’t miss Amy’s insightful podcast archive and new episodes. They opened my eyes to the possibility of a different, effective path.



Before discovering Amy’s program, I tried various protocols and online challenges, but none worked for me. The fear of trying something again, and failing at it, was my greatest obstacle. But Warrior School felt different—it demanded commitment and deliberation. It was also personalised and felt like it had more accountability.

Warrior School shifted the trajectory of my life. I found consistency, not just in training and nutrition, but in my overall well-being. Improved strength, confidence, and even weight loss became tangible markers of progress.

This newfound consistency has positively affected every aspect of my life. I now approach work and family with boundless energy. Physical strength has minimised exhaustion during everyday tasks. Confidence in the gym and at the barbell has helped me in my roles as a businessperson, a mother, and a partner.

The individualised program, coupled with monthly in-person meetings, is a rarity in the realm of programs. Knowing that my training plan is tailor-made for me instils a sense of assurance..

The structured approach to training eliminates guesswork, fostering confidence in every session. Adaptability to life’s fluctuations while maintaining consistency has been a game-changer.

Warrior School has been a pivotal investment—one that has catalysed more progress in two and a half years than I achieved in a decade of trial and error.

To those hesitant, feeling like this might be just ‘one more thing,’ I urge you to give it a chance. This program is different—it’s changed my life in ways that I never imagined.