Episode 231: Gaining confidence and sustainability through specificity and flexibility

by | Oct 21, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

Show notes

We need the structure and the flexibility to make sure our plans and strategies are successful and sustainable. It’s not just about having specific plans – we also need the ability to adapt and modify them when needed.

The more specific we are, especially at the start of our journey, the more confident we feel. As we get further into our journey we can utilise flexibility more, which helps us sustain our training. The trick… Is knowing when and how to use them.

In today’s episode, I talk about how to create more specificity with your health and fitness and why it’s important in helping you achieve what you want. I also discuss the importance of being flexible with your plans and systems and why being able to confidently adapt them is the key to success.

What you’ll discover

  • What is specificity and how does it create confidence?
  • What is flexibility and how does it create sustainability?
  • The problem with getting our health and fitness information from social media
  • How and when to be more specific when it comes to your health and fitness
  • How to create flexibility within your systems
  • Why having the skill and confidence to adapt and modify your plans and strategies is the key for your success
  • How and when to be more flexible when it comes to your health and fitness

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