Episode 219: Self-discipline, patience and committing to the plan

by | Sep 9, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

Show notes

When you think about self-discipline do you think about punishment, restriction, and being boring?

What if I told you that self-discipline isn’t any of those things? It’s actually about freedom, adaptation, novelty and the biggest acts of self-love you can give yourself… 

Blows your mind to think of it that way, doesn’t it?

In today’s podcast episode, I talk about getting clear on your future self and why being disciplined and pushing yourself above your baseline is an act of self-love. I offer you a different way to look at discipline and the importance of setting standards for yourself. I share how to know if you are ‘on the right path’ and why so many of us having trouble with commitment.


  • Why you need to push yourself above your baseline
  • Getting clear on your future self
  • How stoicism views self-discipline
  • Why self-discipline isn’t about being restrictive, non-spontaneous, and boring
  • The importance of setting standards for yourself
  • Why I don’t agree with the big movement around self-acceptance and self-love
  • What self-acceptance means to me
  • How to tell if you’re on the right path 
  • The importance of patience, small constant actions and high-value future decisions
  • Why do we have trouble committing to things and how we can overcome it
  • Your invitation to Warrior School

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