Episode 216: Natural birth control, natural conception and the Symptothermal Method with Jessie Brebner

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments


Did you know that your fertile window can be up to six-nine days long? 
And that you can take control of your fertility and conception by tracking some key biomarkers.

My guest today, is Jessie Brebner. Jessie is a certified Symptothermal Method Instructor with the Natural Family Planning Teachers Association of the United Kingdom.

Combining her passion for natural birth control, natural conception and the Symptothermal Method with her creative flare, she created and developed Fertility Charting Journals one of the first high-quality, hard-backed A4 journals designed specifically for users of Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABMs) to chart their menstrual cycles.

Jessie spends her life raising a little human and working with people from all around the world to de-mystify the menstrual cycle. She provides comprehensive, evidence-based education, resources and guidance to her clients as they transition off hormonal/non-hormonal contraceptives and onto the Symptothermal Method. 

Jessie can fully support you whether you are trying to conceive, trying to avoid pregnancy, or are interested in using the Symptothermal Method to track your hormonal health.


  • Jessie’s story and work
  • The Symptothermal Method
  • Our fertility window (it’s longer than you think!)
  • How effective is FAM compared to the pill
  • Fertility biomarkers and Charting tools
  • Why there’s no such thing as a late period
  • Why some women don’t have the “perfect textbook cycle”
  • Jessie’s thoughts on the ‘new over-the-counter pill’
  • Jessie’s work, resources and courses


Fertility Charting Instagram

Fertility Charting Website

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