Episode 175: Squatting 190lbs and deadlifting 210lbs and learning to respect her body with Meghan Meredith

by | Apr 15, 2023 | Podcast | 0 comments

**Show notes **

In today’s episode, I speak with Warrior, Meghan Meredith. Today we talk about her results and learnings from the Warrior Queen Challenge (a twelve-week strength challenge to build confidence at the barbell). Meg loved learning more about the movements and why we do things. She is one of the hardest workers I know.
Meg PR’d her squat by 80lbs and her deadlift by 80lbs. She can also hang unassisted for 45s and did 12 assisted chin-ups!


  • Meg’s learnings and insights over the twelve weeks
  • Meg’s personal records (AKA the results she got over the twelve weeks)
  • Her training journey over the last 17 months
  • How she’s learnt to trust and respect her body while still wanting to change it
  • How she adjusted her training due to bladder leakage
  • Her three biggest pieces of advice to women who feel stuck with their training

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