Episode 9: Great Expectations

Episode 9: Great Expectations

https://pinecast.com/listen/9837d44c-a199-4504-ae08-c0aace62f77f.mp3Episode Notes This weeks episode is on great expectations, curiosity and being a mover. We have ‘great expectations’ when it comes to our health and body composition goals. But often we have no depth...
Episode 8: Let Me Tell You A Story

Episode 8: Let Me Tell You A Story

https://pinecast.com/listen/143b0b29-ccb8-43f4-ab62-ac62d01dfc72.mp3Welcome to episode 8: let me tell you a story. Episode 8 is the first episode of my storytelling series. Today’s episode is about my story. And, over the next few episodes I will guest remarkable...
Episode 7: This is Training

Episode 7: This is Training

https://pinecast.com/listen/683e1760-8f10-4063-9c19-2285ba2369bc.mp3Episode Notes Today’s episode is short ‘n’ sweet. I share with you what training means to me. Training seeks more. More then ‘working out’, ‘sweating’, ‘burning calories’, ‘getting...
Episode 6: The Brave Space

Episode 6: The Brave Space

https://pinecast.com/listen/aeef4f4b-4b56-4a29-9b31-edc1798047f0.mp3Imagine having a peaceful, easy relationship with food. Most women don’t have this. In our time together today we will investigate and explore: The brave space (what this is and how to move in to it)...