Episode 97: How to improve your relationship with pain and recover from injury with Dave Leyland

by | Feb 21, 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

Episode Notes

Dave Leyland is co-owner of COAST and has been a practicing Physiotherapist since 2012 in North Vancouver (he’s very good!).

COAST Performance Rehab is a movement-focused, multidisciplinary company in North Vancouver and Vancouver that is changing the rehab game!!

Dave believes that the most important tool when it comes to rehab is movement (which is why I love him).

Today we talk about:

  • Dave’s story and philosophy
  • The anatomy and physiology of pain (and our relationship to pain)
  • Why having a movement-based approach to injury and rehab is key
  • Addressing common injuries – from how the issues come about in the first place – to the most common recommendations and exercises he gives when treating them.
  • Injury Myths and Misconceptions

Coast Performance Rehab Website

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