Episode 87: Conscious conception with Loren from Innate Nutrition

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Podcast | 0 comments

Episode Notes

Loren Is the founder of innate nutrition and her new course "Conscious conception".

She is a functional nutritionist, specializing in preconception nutrition

Her mission is to empower women like you with the tools and the knowledge they need to regulate their cycles, balance their hormones, heal their metabolism, optimize their fertility, and ultimately have a thriving pregnancy.

Whether you’re looking to balance your hormones, get pregnant, support your pregnancy or optimize your postpartum recovery — Loren’s got you covered.

Today on the podcast Loren and I talk about how we can consciously prepare our bodies for conception

Here’s a snapshot of what we chat about

Pre-conception timeline – when should we start preparing for conception?

How do you tell if you’re body is healthy? And some key things we can do to support ourselves before conception

The menstrual cycle and why it’s a key piece for fertility and conception

How do you prepare your body for pregnancy? "Replenish the bank"

The “ultimate” prenatal supplements (hint, its not what you think)

Myths around foods and pregnancy 

You’re pregnant, now what? 3-5 key things we need to know/do during pregnancy

Her "conscious conception" course


Conscious conception course 

The "gram"

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