My guest today loves to throw things (not at people), she was a competitive athlete for over 10 years and now moves her body from a place of joy. She did her Masters in leadership and works in people development. She is passionate about creating space for people to find their potential and self lead so they can live BIG lives.
Megann was a competitive Hammer Thrower for over 10 years. In today’s episode she shares her story as an athlete, her dream of going to the 2012 Olympics and what happened when she didn’t make it.
We talk about being attached to an identity and what happens when that is taken away from you.
She shares how she had to find who she was outside of her sport, and her journey to rebuild trust with her body after retiring.
There is so much in this. I could talk to her for hours.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
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Music: Sorrow by Sappheiros Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library