Episode 288: The power of refinement in training

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Show notes

This is Day 2 of the 20-day sprint – Episode 2/14!
In today’s EP on the pod, we talk about the importance of refinement in training. I discuss the distinction between merely working out and truly training by paying close attention to our movements and slowing down. I highlight the significance of owning and refining each movement during warmups to maximise strength, stability, and results. I talk about considering your training intention, technique, and preparation so you can get more out of your training

00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast
00:16 The Importance of Refinement in Training
02:14 Slowing Down and Noticing Your Body
04:06 The Power of Preparation
06:04 Owning and Refining Movements
09:16 The Own the Movement Framework
12:34 Simplify and Refine Your Training
17:29 Warrior School Testimonials
22:12 Advice for New Warriors
25:04 Celebrating Wins and Progress
28:54 The Importance of Filming Your Training

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Create the body you love,
and get the life you want

Warrior school is the ultimate one-to-one strength training program for women who want to get strong at 40 and beyond