Episode 283: The amount of preparation you need to build the body you love

by | May 30, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Show notes

In this Ep of the WS Podcast, I discuss the profound impact preparation has on helping you achieve your desired body composition. I talk about two different types of perpetration and the various aspects of it, from routine tasks to facing new challenges. I highlight the importance of being prepared to adequately nourish the body so you have the energy to chase your goals.

Key Takeaways

00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast
00:15 A Day in the Life: Podcasting, Coaching, and Personal Growth
04:19 The Power of Preparation: Beyond Food
06:26 Diving Deep into Preparation for Health and Fitness
10:33 The Art of Meal Prep: Strategies for Success
26:13 Embracing the Preparation Journey in All Aspects of Life
28:42 Mastering Preparation: The Key to Success
28:52 Karson’s Race Prep: A Journey of Firsts
30:26 The Art of Public Speaking: Conquering Fear with Preparation
32:28 The Power of Preparation: Physical and Mental Readiness
35:53 Embracing the Food Journey: A Path to Energy and Results
42:09 Warrior School Testimonial

Featured on the show

Warrior School
Alex Hormozi Podcast on preparation

Create the body you love,
and get the life you want

Warrior school is the ultimate one-to-one strength training program for women who want to get strong at 40 and beyond