Episode 256: Simplifying meal times and feeding your family stress free with Prue Mynard

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Podcast | 0 comments

Prue and I crossed paths during our Masters in Dietetics over a decade ago. She has worked as an accredited practicing Dietitian in Australia for the past 11 years. In 2017, she founded What’s Prue Cooking.

Prue is committed to simplifying the intricate world of family nutrition. She introduced her groundbreaking 12-week Family Nutrition Transformation Program at the end of 2023. With a focus on practical and sustainable transformations, Prue’s mission is to empower busy families and leave a lasting impact on their well-being.

In today’s episode, we delve into managing meal times and feeding your family. Our discussion covers nurturing children’s relationships with food during meals and effectively handling fussy eaters. Prue generously shares some frameworks to transform meal times. Trust me; Prue is someone you’d want at your dinner table!

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Family Nutrition Transformation Program
  • Challenges in Family Nutrition
  • Simplifying Challenges
  • Meal Planning Tips
  • Mealtime Conflicts
  • Managing Busy Lifestyles

Learn more about Prue’s 12-Week Program: Family Nutrition Transformation Program:

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