Show notes
"How heavy should we be training? Can you speak to more of that as far as going to failure or rep numbers"
I was asked this question last week. So, In today’s episode, I talk about how much weight we should be lifting to get stronger and build the body we love.
I talk about the three different types of strength and how to improve them. I share key weight milestones for the squat, deadlift, pull-up, push-up and strict press and how to work towards them.
What you’ll discover
- The importance of removing distractions during training
- How to get more out of your training sessions
- The three types of strength and how to include them into your training
- How to improve the three types of strength
- What weight you should be lifting
- The importance of progressive overload
- Key weight milestones for the squat, deadlift, pull-up, push-up and strict press
- The importance of testing your strength
Featured on the show
Conquer your first pull-up course
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