Episode 142: How to confidently progress and modify your training so you can build muscle with Libby Wescombe

by | Sep 23, 2022 | Podcast | 0 comments

**Show notes **

In today’s episode, my guest is Libby Wescombe. This is Lib’s third time on the Warrior School Podcast. Originally we were going to talk about the trend of training with your cycle and why we need to focus on how well we fuel ourselves and recover as it has a bigger impact on our training than our cycle. But we actually kicked off our convo talking about how to progress your training as a lot of women ask us:

"how will I know when I should make it harder",
"how do I progress a movement",
"how do I go up in weight",
"what do I do after I’ve had time off"…

So, in today’s episode, we talk about how to confidently progress and modify your training so you can get stronger and build muscle. Knowing how to confidently progress your training is an art. There are many ways to progress a movement. Knowing how to confidently modify your training after having time off is also an art. When we don’t have the confidence to progress or modify our training we can get stuck.
Either we don’t get stronger because we haven’t made it harder, or we are inconsistent because we don’t modify it to meet our body where it’s at after having time off. 


  • What Libby is working on in her training right now (hint: she’s building like a badass)
  • How we build muscle
  • Why it’s important to progress your training if you want to get stronger and build muscle
  • How to confidently progress your training 
  • Key ways to progress an exercise so you can get strong and build muscle
  • How to confidently modify your training after time off 
  • The 70% rule
  • The importance of showing up for your training session even if you don’t feel like it

Featured on the show

Libby Wescombe Website 

Libby Wescombe Instagram 

Episode 104 Why you’re not making progress in your training with Libby Wescombe

Episode 80: How to build muscle with Libby Wescombe

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