Episode 27: The Big Red Umbrella

Episode 27: The Big Red Umbrella

https://pinecast.com/listen/3d9d6bda-837a-49b2-8e6a-5da2bc5f7cf0.mp3Episode 27: The Big Red Umbrella What do red umbrellas have to do with helping you get more out of your training and understanding your cycle? Think of the big red umbrella as your nervous system....
Episode 26: Start Conversations with Confidence

Episode 26: Start Conversations with Confidence

https://pinecast.com/listen/f5e872fa-dafb-47b0-8ef8-3bbe50495c35.mp3Episode 26 Start conversations with confidence (The art of talking about our cycle with our partner) This episode was birthed from a question from a friend a few days ago. The question is: How do you...